Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chapter 23: To The Devil

“What are you doing here?” I asked Dong Hae.

“It’s about Jae Wook,” he said. “He’s gone to Japan.”

“I have nothing to do with Jae Wook. Why are you telling me this?”

“Aren’t you worried about him?” Dong Hae asked.

“Dong Hae…” I said sternly. “I’m dating Han Kyung. Not Jae Wook.”

“I’m pretty sure he went to Japan for you,” he said.

I planted my hands on my hips and glared at him. Dong Hae wasn’t really tall, which was a pity, since he was pretty cute. But I guess God ran out of materials when making Dong Hae, so all he got was a pretty face. Still, I wouldn’t be nice to him just for that. He may be a little taller than me, but when it came to presence, I beat him by a mile.

“I don’t care if he went to Japan for me, for a holiday or for good. Kim Jae Wook is no longer my concern,” I said. “If you’ll excuse me, my brothers are probably waiting for me,” I added, and turned my back on him to leave.

“But… Sierra…” he called after me, and I ignored him.

I got in, locked the door and ran up to the front door. I let myself in quickly, and was met with stares from my brothers.

Music: Park Hyo Shin - 흩어진 나날들

“Mwohae?” Sang Hoon oppa said.

They were both sitting cross-legged on the floor, papers strewn all over the place.

“Nothing…” I replied, and started walking towards the stairs.

“Come help us,” Yong Min oppa patted the empty spot on the floor beside him.

“What are these?” I asked as I sat down among the papers.

“Our old examination papers, test papers, and lecture notes,” Yong Min oppa replied.

“You’ve kept them all these years?” I exclaimed.

“You speak as if we’d graduated 10 years ago,” Sang Hoon oppa said.

“Didn’t you?” I said, and earned a smack on my back with the stack of papers he was holding.

“We’re not as lucky as you are, little princess,” Yong Min oppa smiled. “We had to start working for our father the moment we graduated, so we never got around to get these sorted.”

“You can’t blame me,” I said. “I’ve not even graduated.”

“Ne…” my brothers replied in unison.

“Why don’t you just let the staff help you?” I asked.

“They wouldn’t know what we’d like to keep,” Sang Hoon oppa replied. “And besides… I might have some old love letters hidden here.”

“Love letters?” Yong Min oppa scoffed.

“Ya! Girls have been writing me love letters since high school, and they still do now,” Sang Hoon oppa protested.

“Whatever…” we both answered in unison.

We sorted the papers, humming to a Park Hyo Shin CD playing on the sound system.

“So where were you?” Sang Hoon oppa asked.

“With Han Kyung,” I sighed. “Do you still need this?” I asked as I held up one of the papers.

“Trash,” Yong Min oppa replied. “I thought we agreed he was dangerous.”

“We forgot that he was also persistent,” I replied.

“So what are you doing about it?” Yong Min oppa asked.

“He’s gonna try to convince his father to let us be,” I said.

“And you think he’ll succeed?” Sang Hoon oppa asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“I don’t know,” I replied.

“But you’re willing to trust him?” he added. “You still like him then.”

“I tried not to,” I said.

“Baby…” Yong Min oppa said, and put down his papers to put his arm around me. “You have to think rationally. What is this going to lead to?”

“I know, oppa… but what can I do? He keeps showing up, keeps following me around. He has no qualms of kidnapping me. What can I do?”

“Have you gotten rid of Jae Wook?” Sang Hoon oppa asked.

“He’s gone,” I said. “He tried to change my mind today, but I told him it was over, for real.”

“How did he take it?” Yong Min oppa asked.

“Dong Hae just dropped by,” I said. “He told me that Jae Wook went to Japan.”

“I guess you hit him pretty hard then,” Sang Hoon oppa said, and I just shrugged.

“Just be careful,” Yong Min oppa said. “We don’t know what Ahn Sung Kyi has planned. I hope that Han Kyung doesn’t try anything dumb. We may have some power, but if they do resort to dirty tricks, we’re still gonna fall.”

“Ne,” I replied.

[Han Kyung’s POV]

I got back to my apartment and found one of my father’s men stationed outside my door.

“Toryeonnim,” he bowed, and opened the door for me.

Music: Shinhwa – Vortex

“What is it, Chairman Ahn?” I said loudly, as I walked into my apartment.

“Do you think I’m senile, son?” my father asked.

He was sitting in one of my leather armchairs, which directly faced the front door.

“Only a doctor would know,” I replied.

“Your behavior towards Eunice was unsatisfactory,” he said. “I believe you owe her an apology.”

“I owe no one an apology. I hardly insulted the girl,” I said.

“The girl is your future wife,” he said.

“Really? I don’t remember the part where I agreed to marry her. I only agreed to show her around,” I said as I walked towards the bar to get myself a drink.

“Make me a Scotch,” he instructed.

I brought him his drink, and gulped down mine in a single mouthful.

“I’m going to bed,” I said.

“I know you’re still seeing that tramp,” he said.

“She’s your future daughter-in-law,” I said.

“She can be your lover for all I care, but Eunice will be your legal wife.”

“So that you can use her father?” I countered.

“He’s my business partner,” he said.

“You can also make Sierra’s father your business partner. Use his hotels to run your brothels,” I said sarcastically.

“You’re being childish, Han Kyung,” he said in a warning tone.

“You’re being a dictator,” I replied.

“You know what I can do to her if you don’t follow my plans,” he said.

“Don’t you dare!” I said through gritted teeth. “I’ll quit if you touch her.”

“You can’t live without my money, Han Kyung. I’ve made you accustomed to it,” he smirked.

“I didn’t live all my life with your money. I’ll survive,” I retorted.

“Do you have to be such an insolent child?” he said.

“Why is it so important to merge with this Lee guy?” I asked him.

“He will be a useful ally in our import and export businesses,” he said.

“You don’t have to marry his daughter for that,” I said. “Just threaten him like how you’re threatening me now, and he’ll probably just fall to his knees and do whatever you want.”

“Alliance by asserting my power won’t last forever,” he said. “Alliance through forging family ties will.”

“You’ll only be family by marriage. He can still turn on you anytime,” I pointed out.

“Yes… but he'll think twice since his daughter would be a part of our family. You’re supposed to be able to control her.”

“Ha…” I scoffed. “Tough luck. She’s not as simple as you think she is.”

“So I take it that you are up for the challenge then,” he said.

“Aniyo,” I replied. “I’m marrying Sierra. Eunice can be the concubine.”

“Han Kyung… haven’t you learnt from my mistake? Look what my wife has done to me.”

“Look what you’ve done to my mother,” I replied.

“You’re marrying Eunice!” he bellowed, finally losing his cool.

“I don’t need a loveless marriage like yours,” I shouted back at him.

I have never been afraid of my father. I’ve always felt he owed me my childhood, and he owed my mother her life. For that, I will never yield to him. I will only cooperate when it suits me.

“You’re not screwing up my plans!” he said, pointing a threatening finger at me.

“I’ve done everything you’ve ever wanted me to do,” I said. “Why can’t I even choose my own happiness?”

“Happiness will come with success. Marry Eunice, and you will have both.”

“You’re seriously deluded,” I laughed. “All those women have taught you nothing, eh?”

“I’m your father. I demand your respect,” he reminded me.

“Find another illegitimate son to make your puppet. I’m not marrying that brat,” I replied.

I strode into my room and slammed the door before he could say anything else. I stood there for a moment, in silence, and listened and he walked out of my apartment and closed the door.

As soon as I heard the door bang shut, the realization of what I’d done just hit me. In a fit of anger, I picked up the metal vase beside my bed and flung it to the far corner of my room, causing shelves of books to collapse onto the floor.

Music: Monday Kiz - 가슴으로 외쳐 (Feat. Rhymer)

I’ve just started the war. I’ve just put Sierra in danger.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Chapter 22: Sold My Soul

I touched down at Narita Airport at about 3am. I got into a taxi and showed the driver my father’s name card.

“You want to go here?” he asked me in Japanese. “But this is a business district. It would be deserted now.”

“I’ll wait,” I replied in the little Japanese I knew.

The years in Korea had made me a little rusty. What little Japanese I knew were from memories of my childhood. Jae Joong could hardly remember since he was even younger when we left Japan, but since he’d started taking it as an elective in school, it came back naturally. I didn’t bother to learn more. 1 week ago, I still hated my father and all things Japanese. Now I had to forgive him because I’m about to ask for a huge favor.

It was a tall office building; probably a huge illegal operation masquerading as a legitimate corporation. I sat on the granite edge of a raised flower bed. I had at least another 4 hours of waiting, and that is if he actually came to work on time.

I was sleeping soundly when I was rudely awakened. An old man, wearing the uniform of a security guard was yammering away at me in Japanese and pushing me off the granite. Took me a minute to figure out that he thought I was some homeless person spending the night in front of the building.

“I’m waiting for someone,” I said.

“Then wait inside. The lobby is open,” he said, pointing to the front door which was now open.

I looked at my watch. 9 am. I’d slept for more than 5 hours.

“Arigato,” I said and bowed, then started walking towards the door.

I stretched myself and straightened the collar of my jacket as I walked. Sleeping out in the open was definitely something I’m not doing again for a long, long time. I walked into the building, straight towards the reception counter.

“I’m here to see Ihara Tsuyoshi,” I said.

“Do you have an appointment?” the receptionist asked.

“No, but I’m his nephew,” I lied.

I didn’t need the whole building to know I’m his son even before I reunited with him.

“Your name?” she asked me.

“Kim Jae Wook,” I replied.

“Hold on,” she smirked at me, and picked up the phone.

About 30 seconds of whispering down the phone, she replaced the phone and addressed me with newfound politeness.

“Mr. Ihara will see you now,” she smiled.

“Thank you,” I said.

“Take the elevator up to the 21st floor,” she said, and I nodded.

The elevator doors opened on the 21st floor, and I’m greeted by another lady, whom I presumed was his secretary.

“Good morning,” she bowed. “Please follow me.”

I followed her down the corridor till we came to these large double doors and she knocked discreetly before pushing them open. Inside was an office 5 times the size of my apartment in Seoul. Right in the middle sat my father at a very large and ornate desk.

As soon as I walked in, she retreated and closed the doors.

“Son,” my father stood up and smoothened his suit as he walked towards me.

“Father,” I replied.

When he reached me, he enveloped me in a bear hug, as if we’d been this close all along.

“What brings you here, my son,” he asked when he pulled away.

My father spoke Korean fluently.

“I need your help,” I said plainly.

There is no point beating around the bush. The best thing to do was to tell him my dilemma exactly and let him decide if he was going to help me.

“This is a first,” he smiled. “Didn’t you tell me that you would never come to Japan, and that you didn’t need me?”

“The circumstances are beyond my control this time,” I replied.

“Come… sit down,” he motioned me towards a set of sofas.

As soon as we sat down, the secretary came back with 2 cups of coffee and placed them on the coffee table in front of us.

“You drink coffee, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Have you eaten? When did you arrive?”

“I arrived last night. I’ve been waiting outside for you,” I said.

“Oh? I must have missed you on my way in,” he said.

“It’s alright,” I said.

“You must stay with me. I have lots of spare rooms,” he offered.

“I wouldn’t want to intrude on your family,” I replied.

“I have no family here. You and Jae Joong are my only family. That is why I’ve been asking you to join me here,” he said.

“My life is in Seoul,” I said. “And I need to take care of my mother.”

“She’s a wreck, and you know that. She can’t even support the both of you.”

“We’re grateful for you help all this time,” I said. “But I won’t leave her.”

“Then what are you doing here?” he asked me.

“I need your help. I will stay temporarily, and when my problem is solved, I will need to go back.”

“I guess there is no use persuading you now,” he smiled. “You’re exactly like your mother.”

“I am her son,” I replied.

“So tell me your troubles,” he said.

I took a sip of coffee as he watched me intently. Jae Joong and I looked nothing like our father. It was obvious that we took after our mother since both of us had feminine features. I’m sure there were countless of time he would’ve wondered if we were even his sons.

“There’s a girl I like,” I started.

“Ah… girl troubles,” he smiled.

“I am sure she likes me too. But there’s this guy who wouldn’t let her go,” I said.

“And that stopped you?” he asked.

“He’s not just anyone. Maybe you have heard of his father, Ahn Sung Ki.”

“You’re saying your rival is the son of Ahn Sung Ki?” he asked me.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Then you really have a strong rival,” he said.

“But the thing is, I don’t think Ahn Sung Ki approves of their relationship,” I said.

“Then this can be solved easily,” he smiled.

“But she must not get hurt,” I said.

“She must a very special girl, my future daughter-in-law,” he said.

“She is…”

“But you know me,” he said. “I’ll need something from you if you want my help.”

I knew he would proposition something, but I was ready to accept it since it was I who needed his help.

“Anything,” I said.

“All for love,” he shook his head and smiled indulgently.

“I believe you were once in my position,” I reminded him.

“Yes,” he replied. “I was once a fool as well.”

“What do you want from me?”

“You will work for me, for at least a year,” he said. “I will arrange for the girl to be brought here.”

“I don’t think that’s possible,” I said. “At least let us finish our final year of high school. Then I will come to Japan with her, and she can further her studies here.”

“You knew this would be my terms, didn’t you?” he laughed. “It’s nice to know that you understand your own father so well.”

“I am your son,” I replied.

“Fine… since we are in agreement. I will retrieve your girl, and you shall both join me here.”

“But as soon as the year is up, I’m free to go?” I asked.

“Yes, of course,” he said. “But I am certain you will stay.”

“We’ll see about that,” I said as I raised my cup of coffee to my lips.

“We’ll see,” he smiled.

“One more thing I need from you, father,” I said.


“I need your money now.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” he beamed at me.

[Sierra’s POV]

After some long overdue alone time, Han Kyung sent me home.

Music: TVXQ - どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう? (Why do I love you?)

“Don’t worry,” he said to me as he stroked my hair. “I’ll handle my father.”

“I don’t have a choice, do I?” I smiled.

“No,” he smiled back.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said as I pulled away.

“Naeil pwayo,” he replied, and blew me a kiss before turning away.

I laughed as I waved goodbye, and he drove off. As I was opening the gate to my house, I heard someone whisper my name.


I turned around, but didn’t see anyone around.

“Over here,” the voice called out.

I scanned the perimeter carefully, and spotted Dong Hae hiding behind a bush.