I walked in the main archway of the school building, and all at once I was bombarded by my friends.
“Nuna!” Sung Min yelled, and pelted me with marshmallows.
Music: Super Junior - Wonder Boy

Meet Sung Min… he’s the younger brother I’ve never had. Not the adorable and lovely kind, but the annoying and noisy kind.
“Sung Min! Oww…” I exclaimed.
“Cut it out, Sung Min,” Hee Chul said. “Do you have to be this hyper in the morning?”

This is Hee Chul. Sung Min’s elder brother and the big sister I never had. I mean… just look at him. He just doesn’t look manly to me. He’s never admitted it, but I’ve always suspected he was gay. I mean… look at him!!!
“Yea, Sung Min,” I grumbled and tried to straighten my hair. “You just messed up my hair.”
“And you know how your Sierra nuna is so sensitive about her hair,” he said and he planted a hand on his hip and glared at Sung Min.
“Sung Min!” Shin Dong bellowed. “You threw my marshmallows at nuna?” he rushed forward and grabbed the bag of marshmallows away from Sung Min.

This is Shin Dong, our teddy bear… ‘nuff said.
“Mwoya?” Sung Min whined and tried to grab the bag from Shin Dong.
“These are precious!” Shin Dong yelled at Sung Min. “I got them on my vacation in New York, from Dylan’s Candy Bar. Do you know how much these cost?”
“It’s not like you can’t afford another bag?” Sung Min yelled back.
“But I won’t be going again anytime soon! And you don’t throw away good food,” he ranted on.
“Fine!” Sung Min said.
He picked up a marshmallow from the ground and popped it into his mouth.
“Ewww!” the 3 of us screamed at Sung Min.
The whole school was suddenly silent, and everyone was looking at us, looking at Sung Min who had half a marshmallow still sticking out of his mouth.
“What?” he said, looking at us with his Bambi eyes.
“You’re disgusting,” Hee Chul said. “Come on, Sierra,” he said, and we walked away from the scene.
“Aisshiii!!!” Shin Dong exclaimed and hugged his marshmallows tight as he followed us.
We haven’t even covered 2 feet when we bumped into a major pain. My major pain in the butt…
Music: Girlfriends - Maybe I Love You
“Helloo… Sierra,” he cooed, and I gagged.
“Hello, Jung Su,” Hee Chul replied for me.
“It’s Ee Teuk,” he snapped at Hee Chul, then turned on his ‘charming’ smile for me.

Park Jung Su, or more popularly known for his self-bestowed name, Ee Teuk. He’s supposedly my equal in school. The king-ka to my queen-ka… whatever… pffft… His father, Chairman Park Myung Soo aka the Prince of the Sea, owned a large shipping company. Chairman Park and my father are both huge benefactors to the school, making us untouchable to everyone. I wonder why he still calls himself the ‘Prince’ of the Sea. Isn’t he a little too old for that?
But anyway… Ee Teuk is a pain, a really greasy pain. He has had it in his mind that we were an item since we both entered the school. He’d been threatening every single guy who’s ever laid eyes on me, and as a result, I have never dated in all my years of high school. If it wasn’t because Hee Chul, Sung Min and Shin Dong were known as the ‘Pretty Boys’ in school i.e. pansies or possibly gay, he might have chased them off too. Then again, their fathers’ were also benefactors, which meant that they shared our status. I loathe Park Jung Su!!!
“Yes, Ee Teuk?” I replied.
“We never got together during the semester break. Where did you run off to?” he asked me.
“Well… let me see,” I pretended to think. “I was in Paris, Tokyo, New York, London, Shanghai… I was all over the world.”
“But I didn’t bump into you at all,” he said.
“Why would you?” I asked him. “Unless you had my schedule…”
“Umm… why would you think that?” he said.
This wasn’t the first time Ee Teuk had tried to mastermind an accidental meeting between the both of us during our holidays. I’ve gotten smarter this time, and changed my traveling schedule a day before I was due to take off to the first location.
“Gee… I don’t know. Maybe it’s cos you had it the last time?” I raised my voice at him.
“Aww… come on, Sierra, honey… don’t get upset. I was just hoping for some quality time with you,” he said and smiled his greasy smile.
“Don’t honey me!” I yelled at him. “I have nothing to do with you, Park Jung Su. We have no connections… nada… zero… kong!!! If you keep harassing me, I will have my father speak with yours! You got that?”
“Yes,” he squeaked.
“Good,” I said, and the 4 of us walked past him; 4 because Sung Min had just joined us awhile ago.
Just at I walked past Ee Teuk, I saw something… someone… and I immediately felt weak in the knees.
“Whoa!” the guys exclaimed and caught me before I fell on my butt.
1 comment:
Ah, that new fanfic smell <3
I like this fic already. Not just because of Kim Jae Wook (but he's a MAJOR influence on me in this XD), but I'm interested in seeing how this goes. ^^
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